Membership Options

$160 / mo.

Our group classes are the heart and soul of Forge Fitness. Led by excellent coaches, occupied by members that support and compete with one another. Classes are available everyday of the week to those that want to become fully immersed with the community and chase down every one of their fitness goals. With unlimited group classes, you also have access to our less frequent, but twice weekly, Oly classes.

$160/ 6 Weeks

Our Forge the Habit program is comprised of our cutting edge Power Circuit programming, which is scheduled immediately following before school drop-offs. Standing alone the Power Circuit is an excellent way to develop the habit of going to the gym, and entering into entry level movements that will set you on fire for fitness. In addition to the Power Circuit, the Forge the Habit challenge include accountability check-ins, a nutrition challenge and body composition analyses on the front and back end. Many of the people that graduate from this challenge become unlimited group members, and many others are currently existing members looking to add more volume to their week.

$125 / 10 classes

For those that want to try things out a bit or for those looking to stretch their dollar a bit more, we offer a punch pass that entitles you to 10 class sessions at a time.

Check Us Out

2204 Hagerman Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904

